The Columbia Park Pool  WHERE IS OUR SUPPORT? Answers From Your Community Leaders

The Columbia Park Pool                                 WHERE IS OUR SUPPORT?                           Answers From Your Community Leaders DCIM100GOPROG0160879.

The community of St. Johns has been advocating for the maintenance of Columbia Pool to be addressed for years. Portland Parks and Recreation (PP&R) recently installed a new aquatic center in North Portland, not in St. Johns. The St. Johns Review is looking into why funding for this project was not allocated for fixing the Columbia Pool in St. Johns. We contacted the Portland Parks & Recreation Bureau (PP&R) and city commissioner Dan Ryan.

We asked the Portland Park & Recreation Bureau (PP&R):

What is the current status of Columbia Pool and its closure? Are there any plans for repairing, restoring, or repurposing the pool? Can you provide updates on any scheduled repairs or renovations?

We asked City Commissioner Dan Ryan: 

What is your stance on the closure of Columbia Pool? Is this pool seen as a priority? If it is, please describe what will be done to address it. If not, please state why it is not. What plans do you have for addressing the maintenance backlog affecting city parks, including the pool?  

Why was a new aquatic center put in instead of addressing the maintenance of the pool? What did this new aquatic center cost? What is the cost of maintenance for Columbia Pool? What is the current number of projects needing maintenance and the total amount of funding needed to address them?

Portland Parks & Recreation Bureau (PP&R) response: 

Columbia Pool has reached the end of its useful life and was permanently closed after life-safety hazards were identified following an inspection from an independent structural engineer in 2022. The bureau has followed direction from past Parks Commissioners to develop a new, full-service Aquatic Center in North Portland. The exact location for the aquatic center was identified as Northgate Park in 2023. Columbia Pool is scheduled to be demolished in the spring of 2025. 

Here are links with more information to assist you.

In addition to the new North Portland Aquatic Center project, Commissioner Ryan has directed PP&R to initiate a community engagement process to determine new park improvements at Columbia Park and Columbia Park Annex. Commissioner Ryan will direct SDC resources to improve the park once Columbia Pool is removed.

As of the time of this publication, we have yet to receive a response from city commissioner Dan Ryan.